~Keep dogs out of the candy bowl. Especially keep them away from chocolate and candy containing xylitol, an artificial sweetener. If you dog does either of these, contact your veterinarian.
~Dispose of candy wrappers and make sure your dog can’t get into the trash. Wrappers can cause choking or intestinal obstruction.
~If you’re carving Jack-O-Lanterns this year use a battery operated light rather than a candle. Dogs tails can knock items over or even get caught in the flame.
~Walk your dog before trick-or-treaters or party guests arrive.
~Make sure your dog’s ID tag is to date and securely attached to his collar.
~ Find a secure place in your home to keep your dog. Dogs can get loose when the door opens, and the presence costumed people can scare them, increasing the chance dog will run away.
~If you want your dog around when passing out candy, use a baby gate to keep them away from the door.
~Practice your dogs recall. If you dog does escape from the house, having a solid recall will help keep your dog from running away.
~ Keep your dogs indoors. This eliminates the temptation of ill-minded pranksters to frighten, agitate or even steal your dog.
~Last, but not least, don’t take your dog Trick or Treating with you. The sights, sounds and scares of Halloween can be overwhelming for your dog.
If you keep these tips in mind you and your dog can both have a Happy Halloween!