Wednesday, November 25, 2009

What I'm Thankful For

I have so much to be thankful for.

I have fantastic friends and family, food on my table and a roof over my head.

I am thankful for the kindness of strangers and the beauty of nature.

But most of all, I am thankful for my dogs.

I am thankful for a wake-up call with a cold, wet nose and for snuggling to keep me warm on chilly nights.

I am blessed by the fur that is permanently embedded in everything I own and the stray dog hairs that make their way into my lunch.

I am grateful for the tails that never stop wagging and the noses that never stop sniffing.

I am grateful for the eyes that stare longingly at my dinner plate when I eat dinner.

I'm reminded that a nail trim is due when I hear the click clack sound of paws on the floor and appreciate the forgiveness that is given after the dreaded task is done

I appreciate the barking that tells me a stranger is at the door or of the potential danger from squirrels and pedestrians

How could I forget the games of fetch, tug-o-war, sloppy kisses and feet that smell like Fritos?

I am grateful they come when called and stay where told.

I love how excited they are when I come in the house, even if I’ve only been gone for a moment.

I am in awe of their affection and unconditional love, no matter the kind of day I’ve had.

To the greatest dogs a girl could ask for…..Thank you!!

What are you thankful for?

Monday, November 16, 2009

Dog Parks

The topic of the dog park can be somewhat controversial. Some people love it, while others hate it, but the truth of the matter is that regardless of how you feel about it, people go there with their dogs. I have to admit that I am not the biggest fan of dog parks. I think sometimes it can be misused as in dogs that are not properly socialized are there without appropriate leadership from their owners, and that some people use the dog park as the only outlet to exercise their dog. You can, however utilize the dog park as a place to practice social and obedience skills at the same time in a place of very high distractions.
My general protocol when I go to the dog park is to walk, walk, walk, and walk some more. When you walk, your dog will follow you. I don’t expect them to be in a ‘heel’ but I do expect them to check in with me. If I were to enter park and stand there I put my dog in position to make decisions that he may not be equipped to deal with, thus potentially causing a scuffle or fight with another dog.
Here is an example of what I did yesterday when I went to the dog park with a pack of four dogs. Before the dog park adventure could begin we needed to practice some general obedience skills. They all had to ‘wait’ for permission to get out of the car. Once allowed out of the car we practiced ‘heel’, ‘sit’, and ‘down’. I know they were excited to go out and smell the smells, run around and meet new dogs, but I want to reward their calm behavior and reinforce my leadership role. As we entered the park, I had the dogs wait as I opened the gates, and then I turned the direction of the fewest dogs and proceeded to walk the perimeter of the park. As we walked other dogs came over to say ‘hi’ but none of them had opportunity to greet too long. If any of my pack got too far away, or another dog whose body language wasn’t appropriate approached I simply reminded my pack to follow me and we continued to move.
Whether you already take your dog, or if you are considering taking your dog to the dog park please remember to use it as an additional outlet for your dog, not their primary source of exercise. Also keep in mind that movement dissipates energy, so maintain your leadership role and walk with your dog. Also, if your dog is not at all social with other dogs, then the dog park is not for you and you should consider contacting a professional dog trainer.