Some precautions should be made when taking your dog swimming. If your dog does not know how to swim (no, not all dogs do so naturally) make sure they have a life vest on so they can feel safe and secure in the water.
In addition to a live vest, I often recommend using a long line to assist your dog if you need. If your dog is struggling swimming, put some tension on the line and help her ashore.
Walk in the water with your dog, this too will make him feel secure as you are right beside him. If your dog like to chase toys, you can always toss a toy in the water for him to fetch. I personally LOVE the Kong Water Wubba.
For those people who live in the Midwest and have a swimming pool precautions should be made so that your dog's toe nails do not tear the vinyl lining of your pool. I have had clients use boots to cover their dogs feet, and have heard rave reviews!
Do be careful where you take your dog swimming. Look for fishing hooks and line and choose a location that has easy entry. Lots of rocks that your dog has to climb over can cause injury.
Now go out and have some fun in the water with your pooch!